Abstract Class « Map « JPA Q&A

1. help with java type erasure    stackoverflow.com

in my long journey to learn about hibernate, i wanted to use generic DAO and came across a good article at the hibernate site and tried out the IMPLEMENTATION ...

2. How to map an abstract class or interface in Hibernate HQL?    stackoverflow.com

Imagine that I have a Debtor class. With Hibernate, I will define the class like that:

@Table(name = "T_DEBTOR")
public class Debtor {

    @Column(name = "ID_DEBTOR")

3. Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface : problem while persisting    stackoverflow.com

i have a class campaign that maintains a list of AdGroupInterfaces. im going to persist its implementation

     @Table(name = "campaigns")

4. Best way to share Java implementation between concrete JPA classes?    stackoverflow.com

I have about 10 different entities in my J2EE application that right now share the exact same implementation. They all inherit from the same generic abstract class that has ...

5. Inheritance strategy in Hibernate: making an entity abstract and replacing with sub classes    stackoverflow.com

I have currently existing database and hibernate mapping for it. There is a central table and corresponding entity (PersistentObject). Many of the other tables and entities refer to PersistentObject via @ManyToOne ...

6. Inherited abstract class with JPA (+Hibernate)    stackoverflow.com

How would you configure annotations in the following example code? I'd like to stick with JPA annotations only and avoid Hibernate specific dependencies. Is the code below correct?

public class RefExample extends ...

7. On abstract classes in Java and Hibernate annotations    stackoverflow.com

I am planing to create an application relying on DB using Hibernate. I will have some similar classes like teacher and student and so on. In DB they will have some ...

8. One-to-one association involving a joined-subclass inheritance    stackoverflow.com

I'm stucked on a Hibernate inheritance problem while working on a JSF-based. At first, I was oriented to use a interface implemented by two concrete classes but since mapping interfaces is ...

9. Hibernate (JPA) inheritance mapping of abstract super classes    stackoverflow.com

My data model represents legal entities, such as a Business or a Person. Both are tax-paying entities, and both have a TaxID, a collection of phone numbers, and a collection of ...

10. Hibernate3 inheritance mapping problem using foreign key and parent Abstract class    stackoverflow.com

I have trouble with hibernate complex mapping , please help me.When I have to link the following objects .I have tables site(id as PK ) , abstractContent(id as PK and FK from ...

11. Hibernate/JPA Mapping on abstract class    stackoverflow.com

What would be the best practice to implement the following situation with Hibernate. We define an abstract class that will form the base of any object that we want to persist in ...

12. Hibernate - Which inheritance strategy should I use for a class which isn't abstract, but sub-classes may not need tables    stackoverflow.com

I have a simple inheritance relationship in my project, and I'd like to have the super class be abstract. Some of the inheriting classes will require extra database information, but ...

13. Hibernate mapping with abstract parent class    stackoverflow.com

I have an abstract class holding a number of fields which are inherited by numerous child classes. Child classes have their own fields as well not just the ones inherited by ...

14. Hibernate Mapping an relationship without knowledge of concrete class    stackoverflow.com

there are many topics on abstract mapping in Hibernate, but I couldn't find something that matches my case. Problem: My domain model consists of several entities, which don't inherit from each other. For ...

15. Is it legal to have a top-level JPA class that is abstract and does not have a discriminator?    stackoverflow.com

For example, is the following top-level JPA class valid:

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
    name = "type",
    discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING
public abstract class Person implements Serializable {

16. JPA -- Cannot instantiate abstract class exception    stackoverflow.com


@Table(name = "OPERATION_ITEMS")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "D_TYPE", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER)
public abstract class FundOperationItem implements Serializable {

   @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional=false)
   @JoinColumn(name = "PARENT_OPERATION_ID", nullable=false)
   private ...

17. create interface instead of abstract classes using hibernate tools    stackoverflow.com

i have made a sample program in hibernate using reverse engineering in myeclipse 8.0. it creates some abstract classes. how i create interfaces instead of these abstract classes using hibernate tools ...

18. Hibernate query by abstract class inconsistent    stackoverflow.com

I've run into a strange inconsistency between the behavior of Criteria and HQL queries. Simplified domain model:

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
public abstract class ParentGroup {}

// no JPA annotations
public abstract class ParentTitle extends ParentGroup ...

19. Hibernate map declared in abstract class not inherited in subclasses    stackoverflow.com

I have an abstract class A and two classes B and C implementing A.

abstract class A implements Serializable {
  Long id
  String code
  String description
  Map<Locale, String> ...

20. Hibernate: "InstantiationException: Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface"    stackoverflow.com

I have the following class hierachy:

public class MailAccount{
 IncomingMailServer incomingServer;
 OutgoingMailServer outgoingServer;

public class MailServer{
 HostAddress hostAddress;
 Port port;

public class IncomingMailServer extends MailServer{
 // ...

public class OutgoingMailServer extends MailServer{
 // ...

public class ...

21. org.hibernate.InstantiationException: Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface: device.Dispositivo    stackoverflow.com

I am developing an application that needs to collect data from database. I am using Hibernate. When I run the application, I get the following exception:

org.hibernate.InstantiationException: Cannot instantiate abstract class or ...

22. JPA Entity Inheritance with abstract classes - ConstrainViolationException    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to set up Entity Inheritance using JPA annotations and abstract classes. Our goal is to have the DAO work with the base object through its extension so that ...

23. Abstract JPA entity classes from database?    forums.netbeans.org

Using Netbeans, one can reverse engineer database tables to create JPA entities and subsequently DAO(Controlllers in netbeans lingo). But, using this approach you can potentially loose your customizations to the Entity ...

25. Duplicate import, Abstract class and different packages    forum.hibernate.org


26. Annotation, generic abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

Hi @ all, Hibernate-core: v.3.3.2 Hibernate-Annotations: v.3.4.0 Hibernate-Common-Annotations: v.3.1.0 i got an exception while implementing an abstract generic class: Code: Caused by: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Property org.portfolio.data.ReportElement.content has an unbound type and no explicit target entity. Resolve this Generic usage issue or set an explicit target attribute (eg @OneToMany(target=) or use an explicit @Type at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder.addElementsOfAClass(AnnotationBinder.java:1032) at ...

27. [SOLVED] HQL abstract superclass query with impl. polym.    forum.hibernate.org

Hello everybody, I'm new to Hibernate and currently I'm testing various inheritance strategies. With "table per concrete class with implicit polymorphism" I keep getting an exception "[MyAbstractSuperclass] is not mapped" when performing an HQL query on the abstract superclass. Do I really have to map that abstract superclass? The book is not very helpful at this point as it advises to ...

28. abstract base class and mapping    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:34 am Posts: 4 Hello. I have tried a little refactoring of my Java code but am having trouble getting it right. I had two superclasses with two subclasses each and the subclasses had a corresponding connection to the other, like this Code: AppRoleType ---- * AppRole | ...

29. Self reference to abstract class    forum.hibernate.org


30. Non-persistent base class with abstract get/set for ID    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I'm attempting to put some base functionality in a base class for all persistent entities. To that end I must be able to call get/setId on all entities so I put an abstract definition of such in the base class: Code: @Id public abstract Serializable getId(); public abstract ...

31. Can I put @id into abstract class ? Or @overide?    forum.hibernate.org

The JPA2 spec has this as an example in section 2.11.1 Abstract Entity Classes: Code: @Entity @Table(name="EMP") @Inheritance(strategy=JOINED) public abstract class Employee { @Id protected Integer empId; @Version protected Integer version; @ManyToOne protected Address address; ... } @Entity @Table(name="FT_EMP") @DiscriminatorValue("FT") @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="FT_EMPID") public class FullTimeEmployee extends Employee { // Inherit empId, but ...

32. inheritance mapping problem using Abstract class parrent    forum.hibernate.org

Hello forum , I have trouble with hibernate3 mapping , please help me .I have to link the following objects : AbstractContent (abstract parent) Document and Image . I have tables site(id as PK ) , abstractContent(id as PK and FK from site table), document(id as FK from abstractContent table), image (id as FK from abstractContent). I have java classes Site ...

33. Set unsaved-value in abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

Hello everyone, I'm trying to set the unsaved-value in the mapping file of an abstract class, in order for this unsaved-value setting to be used in all the classes that extend this abstract. Is this possible, or do I have to set the unsaved value in *.hbm.xml files that map the classes that inherit from the abstract class? I've been looking ...

34. Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to set up a simple mapping between two class hierarchies. An AssessmentPlanFamily (which is a subclass of DataPlanFamily) has a one-to-many relationship to AssessmentPlans (which is a subclass of DataPlan). To implement this relationship, I have the mappings on the superclasses (DataPlanFamily and DataPlan). Here is the code: Code: @Entity(name = "DataPlanFamily") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING, ...

35. Abstract classes and hibernate    forum.hibernate.org

I have a situation where I think the best business object model makes use of an abstract base class. There are then two sub-classes of this class that will get persisted to a single table in the database. I have set up Hibernate to be aware of the base class and it's two sub-classes. Everything appears to be operating as I ...

36. Query Abstract Class    forum.hibernate.org

Hey Guys, sorry so late. I found the problem. I had one record in the database that was corrupted. Someone added the record by hand, instead of going through the application. Once I found it and removed that one record, everything works as it should. I apologize and thanks for a great site, and resource.

37. Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface    forum.hibernate.org

Greetings, I'm trying to retrieve an instance by querying on its abstract base class. The base class doesn't have a table, but each implementing class has a separate one. I've tried creating the data by hand and programmatically. Creating them programmatically results in entries in the DB, they just don't come out again when queried. Here's the base class mapping: ...

38. Discriminator value in a base (abstract class)    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I have the following (simplified) class heirachy which I am (trying to) map. Code: public class Account { private Set queues; } public abstract class Queue { private String name; private Account account; } public class IncomingQueue extends Queue { private Date dateReceived; } ...

39. mapping subclasses of an abstract class using joined-subclas    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I have an abstract super class that does not have a table, and two subclasses that do have tables. Is it possible to map this, or do I *have* to have a table for the abstract class (and use the same table for the subclasses)? Is there any way to map without a table for the abstract class, and two ...

40. many-to-one for abstract classes    forum.hibernate.org

I have an class that references another class, I woud like to implement using the tag. The referenced class however is abstract and thus I do not wish to create a table for it, only its concrete subclasses. How can I encode this many-to-one mapping using a discriminator todescribe the sub-class actually referenced? thanks, C>T>

41. Howto - Mapping abstract base class using tpc-strategy    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I know that this question was send at least a thousand times, but I haven't found a satifying answer (Or I'm blind :-). I try to map the following class structure to a datamodel: public interface BusinessObject { long getId(); void setId(long id); String getUserId(); void setUserId(String userid); Date getChangeDate(); void setChangeDate(Date aDate); Object getBusinessId(); void setBusinessId(Object businessId); } ...

42. How do i declare a class as abstract ?    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Thu May 27, 2004 7:29 am Posts: 2 How do i declare a class as abstract ? The superclass Personin the following snip shold become abstract : How do i manage that ? The code : Code: ...

43. What is the right approach for mapping of an abstract class?    forum.hibernate.org

Sorry for the near-xpost, there is a question I have posted regarding xdoclet on the tools forum which originated another question that i post here: I have a hierarchy such as class A class B extends A abstract class C extends A class D extends C class E extends C Class C is only a class that factors out logic from ...

44. Abstract classes    forum.hibernate.org

45. Abstract classes    forum.hibernate.org

46. Is it possible to map an abstract class?    forum.hibernate.org

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to map an abstract class? It doesn't look like it's possible, but maybe I'm doing something wrong. For example, I want to do something like this: Code: ... ...

47. How to Map an Abstract Class?    forum.hibernate.org

I've tried the following with some level of success, but I'm a 'rookie' on hibernate mapping and have not had any hibernate guru critique my approach. With that said, I have an abstract class and several concrete classes that extend this abstract class. Here's the java classes Code: public class abstract Employee { private int id; ...

48. problem of mapping two abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version:2.1.6 i have two abstract class:AbstractClient and AbstractCard. AbstractClient has two child class:PersonalClient and GroupClient AbstractCard has two child class:NormalCard and SpecialCard relationship of AbstrcatClient and AbstractCard is one to many. in AbstractCard has a HashSet of AbstractCard. I map two abstract class using subclass. The problem is insert procedure is correct.but when i get a PersonalClient instance and get ...

49. Hibernate trying to instantiate an abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I created a simple class hierarchy and mapped it using the "Table per class hierarchy" approach, as described in section 3.6.2 of Hibernate in Action. The base class of my hierarchy is abstract. I can insert a subclass without any problem. When I query the database, I find a row with the discriminator column set to the proper value. The ...

50. Discriminator for Intermediate-Level Abstract Class    forum.hibernate.org

I've seen several posts on this subject, but no difinitive answer. I have a class structure like: Code: AbstractObject* __________|__________ | ...

51. Abstract classes & hibernate    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I have a class hierarchy something like this: * abstract main data class * non-abstract class with businnes methods, extending the abstract main data class I'm using xdoclet with @hibernate/ to generate the mappings for hibernate. Those tags are only present in the main data-class, since subclass is dynamically generated (using ) and does not hold any persistent data. So ...

52. Cannot instantiate abstract class.    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2004 9:17 am Posts: 21 I have a problem with instantiation of abstract classes. I have a class hierarchy which has an abstract class (AbstractParty) from which several concrete classes inherit. I thought that if I try to execute an HQL like "from AbstractParty", then Hibernate would instantiate the concrete classes, not try to instantiate the ...

53. retrieving abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:09 pm Posts: 10 Hi guys! I have copied an example from http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/j ... /#download and tried going the same way for my abstract class BaseTransaction (BaseClaimStatus inherits from BaseTransaction) but I am not sure what more to do to not get that abstract class initiation exception. I am building the query in the following ...

54. java.util.NoSuchElementException with abstract classes    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:16 am Posts: 1 When upgrading from 3.0.1 to 3.0.5, we discovered that a SessionFactory can no longer be created from our mapping. It appears that if a subclass is abstract and has no children, the SessionFactory creation throws a NoSuchElementException. (See stack trace below.) In the mapping below, Rule and InclusionRule (its child) are ...

55. Inheritance mapping & abstract classes (again)    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I really don't know how to implement this mapping (each concrete class in a distinct table): public abstract class Documento public abstract class DocumentoPrincipal extends Documento public abstract class DocumentoAuxiliar extends Documento public class DocumentoPrincipalPIE extends DocumentoPrincipal public class DocumentoAuxiliarOIE extends DocumentoAuxiliar The real problem is the mapping between Documento and DocumentoPrincipal and DocumentoAuxiliar (all abstract classes). Actually I'm using ...

56. AbstractMethodError with abstract classes    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:12 pm Posts: 25 Location: Minsk, Belarus I try to migrate existing project from Hibernate 2.1.8 to 3.0.5 and I have one problem with subclassing. I beleive that is bug but if I am wrong please point me documentation. I have parent abstract class Code: class abstract Parent{ abstract getField1(); abstract ...

57. HQL query returns instance of abstract superclass.    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:32 pm Posts: 4 I have a class hierachy using joined sublasses. I then try and use an HQL query to return a List of objects but the class returned is an instance of the abstract superclass of the object I expect to have returned. The class of the returned object is shown in my ...

58. Self join with abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

I am having some difficulty with this mapping. I have an abstract class TreeNode which maps to a self-joining table called CATEGORY_CHILDREN. The class Category extends TreeNode and maps to the CATEGORY table. Here are the mappings, although the TreeNode can't be mapped like this, because I haven't given it any id. Not sure I am taking the right approach. Any ...

59. Self join with abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

I am having some difficulty with this mapping. I have an abstract class TreeNode which maps to a self-joining table called CATEGORY_CHILDREN. The class Category extends TreeNode and maps to the CATEGORY table. Here are the mappings, although the TreeNode can't be mapped like this, because I haven't given it any id. Not sure I am taking the right approach. Any ...

60. Hibernate return the abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

have you tried using interfaces? I have a similar set up (but using joined-sublclasses with their own tables). I can cast with no problems... I specify this kind of thing:

61. abstract class instantiation    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have recently upgraded a woking system from working with hibernate 2.1 to hibernate 3.0 I have an abstact class called EProduct and few subclasses. I am using Long as the identifyer. I have a HQL query that is working with version 2.1. the query is: select eproduct from com.exlibris.verde.eproduct.EProduct as eproduct where (eproduct.instanceCode = ? and eproduct.id = ?) ...

62. Abstract class mapping strategy    forum.hibernate.org

Okay so you want to map an association and a class hierarchy ... What do you think is best : an example written by some guy on a forum or Hibernate documentation ? This is Hibernate 101 so you will find your answer in the docs. Then if you have issues come back here and we will be pleased to help ...

63. How to map class including of abstract classes?    forum.hibernate.org

64. Modelling a collection of instances of an abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

Question from a colleague: > > > Can anyone point me to an example of a mapping file which illustrates how to > > > model a collection of instances of an abstract class? > > > > > > The excellent article on the visitor pattern discusses the java side in detail, > > > see http://www.hibernate.org/280.html , but I ...

65. many-to-one and abstract classes...    forum.hibernate.org

My problem is that i have a class TM_TemporalExtent that defines a property of type TM_Primitive (an abstract class). When i set this property to a concrete TM_GeometricPrimitive (that extends TM_Primitive), and save-then-retrieve the TM_TemporalExtent instance form hibernate, the extent property is not of TM_GeometricPrimitive! the getclass().toString() is class it.terranova.metadata.iso19115.helpers.temporalschema.TM_Primitive$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$22b6c9fa so when i cast to TM_GeometricPrimitive the code throws a ClassCastException! ...

66. Search by example of non-abstract super class instance    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:13 pm Posts: 4 I think I have found a bug, but just to be sure that it is not known before I will post it in this forum first. The situation is the following: I have one base abstract class called Vehicle and stored in VEHICLE table. All its subclass instances are also stored ...

67. Using abstract classes as base classes to persistent objects    forum.hibernate.org

Consider the class hierarchy here... Code: public abstract class MyBase { protected String name; // with getters and setters and other stuff } public class Person extends MyBase { protected Long personId; protected Integer age; // with getters and setters } public class Pet extends MyBase { protected Long ...

68. Query of Abstract class fails    forum.hibernate.org

Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message canales Post subject: Query of Abstract class fails Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:07 pm Newbie Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:17 pm Posts: 13 I'm having trouble querying the root class of a large inheritance ...

69. Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface exception    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I'm fairly new to hibernate, but am working on an existing app. I'm using hibernate in an Apache Axis web service. I have a class A, which is associated with another class location. Location is abstract, sometimes instantiated as a point, sometimes a line. So, my program creates an object of type A and associates it with a point or ...

70. Problems with a Set of abstract base class derivitives.    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:07 pm Posts: 8 I'm using Hibernate 3.1 going against an Oracle 9 DB. I have a class Order that contains a Set of AbstractFoos, and a String fooType. AbstractFoo has 3 subclasses (FooA, FooB, and FooC), which are each mapped to a different table. The Set will always be homogenous in that it will ...

71. Naming Foreign Keys Defined In Abstract Superclass    forum.hibernate.org

I have an abstract class mapping that defines a composite-id. The composite-id has 2 properties that each define a foreign key. There are many concrete subclasses whose mappings create tables that have the foreign key constraints. The name of the foreign key is a generated name like this: FKB948BFAD9734296A. If I name the foreign key in the abstract class it ...

72. Performing a query against an abstract class...    forum.hibernate.org

73. Is it possible to use abstract classes as entity classes?    forum.hibernate.org

H all: I would like to use abstract classes as entities to keep the interface/implementation separation. For example: @Entity public abstract class User { @Id @GeneratedValue private String id_; @Column(nullable=false) private String email_; public String getId() { return id_; } public void setId(String id) { id_ = id; } public String getEmail() { return email_; } public void setEmail(String email) { ...

74. Table generation with annotations and abstract classes    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message tnine Post subject: Table generation with annotations and abstract classes Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 11:30 am Regular Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 10:02 pm Posts: 90 I've included my information below. I'm having a problem with encapsulation of data. As you can see by my code below, I have 4 classes, IdentityVo, AuditableVo, CreditUnion, and ProcessInformation. ...

75. Criteria API : join to abstract classes    forum.hibernate.org

[u]1 st entity : [/u] public class CardHeader { .. private Card.CardType card; .. @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "cardHeader") private Card card ... } [u]2 nd entity [/u] @Table(name="CARD") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) public abstract class Card { public enum CardType {CARD_VISA, CARD_MASTER, CARD_ELECTRON}; @OneToOne(cascade = ...

76. How to inherit a abstract base class with a generic element?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello everybody, I have the following situation: An abstract base class with a generic element. Code: @Entity class abstract abstractBaseClass { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Integer Id; private T element; } Some of the following classes: Code: @Entity class A extends abstractBaseClass { ...

77. Abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have the persistence model following : @Entity @Table(...) @Inheritance( strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS ) public class A { ... List getB(); ... } @Entity @Table(...) @Inheritance( strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS ) public abstract class B { ... } @Entity @Table(...) @Inheritance( strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS ) public class C extends B { ... } @Entity @Table(...) @Inheritance( strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS ) public ...

78. Hibernate is not clearing set of Abstract Classes.    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Thu May 29, 2008 6:24 am Posts: 5 Following in my Mapping Code: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) public abstract class ProfileRule implements Comparable { public static enum RULE_FLAG { Include, Exclude, Remove } @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name ...

79. Map abstract class using table-per-subclass approach    forum.hibernate.org

Hi Letty, Thanks for the reply.. it certainly workd.. now I had one more addition to it. I hav list of A inside B. and I hav prepared following table for it.. A_B_Map ___________________ id a_id b_id position is this table fine to represent that relationship? Can it work without introducing third table?? And I tried to map ...

80. Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I'm new with Hibernate 3 and I have a problem. I've an abstract class with other two subclasses who depends form this abstract class. I'm using annotations to relation with the database. Here I put the code: Abstract class: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType. SINGLE_TABLE) @Table(name="t_use_case") @DiscriminatorColumn(name="TYPE",discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType. STRING,length=2) public abstract class UseCase {...} Subclasses: @Entity @DiscriminatorColumn(name="TYPE") @DiscriminatorValue("AN") public class AnalysisUseCase extends UseCase{...} @Entity ...

81. how to map interfaces/abstract classes with annotations?    forum.hibernate.org

hi! i'm fighting since 2 days with this problem and i simply don't know how to solve it. i have 2 classes, lets say Balance and ThermalConverter f.ex. which both implement the interface ThermalComponent (or extend the abstract class ThermalComponent .. both fine). This interface is empty because we just use it as a "flag". Balance and ThermalConverter are both mapped ...

82. OneToOne to an abstract Class    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have to map a legacy DB and I'm in trouble with this. I have a Contratto (C) class that inherits from abstract PreventivoContratto (PC). (PC) has an id. (C) has a composite natural key. A (C) can have a Movimento (M), which is an abstract class with two implementations, Pagamento (PG) and Rimborso (R). These are the mapping I'm ...